Moving from ignorance to enlightenment

I've been trying to work out how any process of personal growth and improvement, or recovery from times of adversity can be mapped out into phases. When we're on a personal journey it's often discouraging to feel overwhelmed and not know where you are and how far you have yet to go. That's how I've felt lately.
In this video I've outlined the phases that I believe I've been passing through from Ignorance, through to Enlightenment and everywhere in-between.My thinking on this has also been prompted by reading the amazing book '12 Rules for Life' by Jordan B. Peterson. If you feel inclined I can't recommend it highly enough.You can find a copy at you'd like to receive the occasional message from me containing thoughts, information or inspiration related to living a better life after divorce, you can join my mailing list at the following link: and have a great day!

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